Code Black: Unfinished Business (2017)
Season 2, Episode 13
Grey's Anatomy should take some notes.
6 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We start with Guthrie as he talks with Campbell. It turns out he will become the chaplain for the hospital. Campbell questions him about the surgery and if he will do it, as he is a good candidate and he might not be soon enough. Guthrie declines.

Out in the ER, we have an apartment fire and the families are coming in. It looks like Malaya is back also, as her suspension has concluded. There is a lady screaming and in restraints, looking for a baby. There is an angry man, who we later learn is the landlord, that comes in and he is looking for a kid too, as the kid started the fire and burned down his building. Another guy had a heart attack, but Willis said there is not time and he needs surgery. They have to reset his daughter's foot and tell him they are taking him up to the OR. They found the one lady's baby. She is speaking Arabic (if I'm not mistaken), but Willis understands "babies" and there are two of them, so another one is missing.

Guthrie is on the phone looking for the other baby. Lola freaks out and says she needs to see her father. She said they fought and she does not want the last thing she said to him to be this. Willis said he'll check and tells someone to get an update, but Lola said she wants him and Willis to tell him she is sorry. Guthrie tells Leanne that they found the other baby and they are bringing them now. They are alive, but unresponsive. A translator for the mom asked if they want her to tell the mom and Leanne said not now.

Jared comes in. LL said is the kid that burned his building down. Jared's dad comes and the owner said his dad always leaves him alone, forcing him to cook, which sets the alarm wkly. The LL said the dad's neglect did this and if anyone dies, it is on him. The kid is saying he did not do this.

Another lady is admitted for overdose. Malaya is trying to revive her. Lola has crashed also, so she's sent to the OR. The other baby comes in and they take her to a chamber. Elliot is working on the baby and freaking out, as Guthrie gives him instructions from outside the chamber. Noa is there also to help out, as the baby reaches asystole and he needs to do CPR. He keeps trying, but no luck and Guthrie said he has to call time of death. Elliot does not want to, but he does and wants out of the chamber. They have to decompress it, so he has to wait an hour. Guthrie said he wished he could have helped, as he is crying and shaking.

Elliot is still in the chamber and now Guthrie has to go see someone, so Noa said she'll stay with Elliot. Angus is now talking to another mother, who has scars on her wrists. She tried to kill herself, but the pills she took slowed her breathing and she couldn't inhale as much smoke. Her trying to kill herself actually saved her life, so she needs to take this and enjoy life with her son as Angus explains.

Lola is out of surgery and she talks with Willis. It seems her father is a preacher and she said she wants to go to NY and perform on Broadway. Her dad said if she wants to sing, sing for God. She said they fought and he needs to know she is sorry, which Willis said he'll take her up in ten minutes.

Leanne talks w/ the mom again but she does not want to hold her child.

Guthrie goes to the preacher father, as he needs someone to pray with. Guthrie said he is scared. The father asked if he believes in God and Guthrie said yes. The father said he has nothing to worry about then. The father starts coughing up blood and his vitals drop and he has to go back to the OR. We learn he dies. Now Willis has to tell Lola about her father's death. She is unhappy, as Willis was too busy for her and he promised her. She now thinks her father will never know how she feels. Willis said that is not true, but Lola tells him to leave.

Guthrie talks w/ Elliot and said this is his calling and if he quits, he'll regret it. Angus checks on the mother who tried to commit suicide. She is covered in her own blood, as she attempted suicide. They are working on her and then they show Guthrie, who is in his own world it appears. All of a sudden we hear everyone telling Guthrie to open his eyes. He then opens his eyes and appears to be in the OR and had the surgery.

In the OR, Leanne asks him some questions, which he answered before the surgery. As it turns out, it looks like the entire episode was a reflection on Guthrie's personal life. Being married and losing a baby to carbon monoxide. His father being a preacher. His wife killing herself.

This whole episode was in Guthrie's head and based on his surgery. He finally wakes up from surgery and everyone is there. Guthrie talks about his son not being there, but turns his head to see Cole. Guthrie tells his son the whole story of having a twin that died. He said he could not handle losing his daughter and his wife was struggling and he saw it, but couldn't help her. He said he failed his son, but his son said he didn't fail him and he loves him too.

Never have I seen such a powerful episode of television. I never post written reviews here, but this is worthy.
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