Leave It to Beaver: Tenting Tonight (1958)
Season 1, Episode 29
Ward gets the limelight even though he backs of his promise
4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ward has been golfing, the boys are watching a movie at the local theater. Ward has been volunteered to pick them up along with their friends. As he waits his frustration grows as the boys come in and out looking for Ward and one another; then he gets upset that the boys spent six hours locked up in a theater away from fresh air. Ward decides he is going to take the boys to Friends Lake for an overnight camping trip.

The boys are excited but when they tell Eddie, Eddie says it won't happen. Parents are always promising something but when the time comes they back out. Unfortunately, this time it's true. Fred Rutherford brings Ward the happy news that the big boys want a campaign complete come Monday morning. That means Ward has to work over the weekend. Fred Rutherford offers to do the work alone; he will even sign Ward's name to the campaign. Ward knows what that would mean: Fred Rutherford would smirk and gloat over that forever.

Ward has to break the news to the boys Saturday morning. Beaver suggests they go to the movies but then Eddie would gloat just like Fred Rutherford. So the tent is pitched in the back yard and they are having their overnight trip even if they're 20 feet from the back door.

During the night, it starts to rain. Wally says that Eddie claims if you touch the tent it will start to leak. Eddie is right this time as Beaver discovers. As the rain increases, some of the water starts seeping into the tent. Beaver suggests they go inside but Wally says they can't; they told mom and dad they could take care of themselves.

The next morning June discovers wet spots on the stairs and suggests they get someone to look at the roof. No, those wet spots are there because the boys carried their sleeping bags upstairs around midnight. They got up early to carry then back done so they could claim they slept outside. June can't figure out how they got in; Ward accidentally left the kitchen door open, just in case.

The boys are upstairs getting dressed for Sunday school, and when the boys tell Eddie they slept outside all night rain and all, Eddie can't believe it. Eddie says his father would have made him come inside and take a hot bath. That's because his father cares about him. As Eddie goes downstairs, Beaver looks worried. Doesn't our dad care about us he asks Wally. Of course, our dad cares reports Wally; who do you think left the kitchen door open.

A good episode that is both prescient and affirming. Ward would be more upset today as our video game and "social" media addicted children frequently forgo fresh air for the joy of staying inside practically all the time. Affirming because Wally knows their dad really loves them both.
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