definitely worth it
1 July 2017
There seem to be a zillion flicks that come out of nowhere. They show up on youtube etc. All the actors and actresses look under 20 and you get the feeling they paid the production company to be in the movie. 95% of these things are hopelessly derivative and uninspired...they just crawl along.

This one though....a horror movie...has a few fresh twists despite it's reliance on the zombie/contagion genre.

It's good for what it doesn't do. It has pro moves right along. We don't have mediocre photographers forcing us to spend 2 minutes looking at a tree cause they think it's a well set up shot.

It's sense of horror derives from-primal fears we all have to some degree in this paranoid age where everyone assumes 3veryone else is a virus...

It never gets artsy or pretentious...just serves itself up for what it is....namely, an effective low budget horror flick with terse effective plotting.

nicely done
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