Walk of Fame (I) (2017)
Guy meets girl, girl hates guy, and guy finds a new girl.
30 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
At the beginning of the movie, a young man, Scott Eastwood, is seen behind a shabby office desk taking calls from unsatisfied customers. After work, on a sunny afternoon he and his friend see a pretty blonde being assaulted by a creepy macho wrestler looking man. After this moment, the movie starts to fly out of control like a plane about to make an unexpected crash into an uncharted region. Then, just when you thought there would not be another cuss word, the crippled dwarf tells anyone around him to go f**k themselves. After that point, the terrible acting does not get any better and the crude and sexual remarks made by the other cast members only get worse. All in all, the movie had a happy ending but a terrible, terrible start.
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