Horror Castle (1963)
Starts good, then quickly devolves into amateur story/dialogue/acting/scenes/editing/directing/boring/uninspired nonsense
30 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Christopher Lee is given top billing here. He's in the movie for maybe 3 minutes total and does nothing. His voice is dubbed, and he just looks stupid. I am beginning to hat this mans acting and choice of jobs. I recently watched all the Lee Dracula movies and his best attributes are his costume and stance, his British accent as Dracula is ridiculous and his dialogue is trash. Hammer was good for a couple of things, sets/color/lighting and music. Go watch some of the trash Lee appeared in the 70s. Real garbage. Very sad.

Now to this movie. What we have here is a wife of a castle/museum owner wandering around. It started out mysterious and intriguing. Then nothing much happens. The husband is away most of the time. And Lee is there to show off his stupid scar. The story is somehow about a Nazi conspirator to kill Hitler who is deformed and now he's on a rampage to torture women, just as the new wife movies in. How convenient! I guess producers needed stores and they picked this one.

The music is completely inappropriate. We have some kind of Bebop jazz number in a castle horror film, probably to invoke some kind of romance between the new wife and husband. Then there's the ridiculous horror tones when the wife is running around outside.

The death scenes are nonsense. The makeup is trash. Lee was garbage. There's a real funny section when he climbs the side of the house, then rolls off and falls to the ground. I was hoping he was dead. But then, get this, and FBI agent, helps him and since they can't get in the house, they drive away to get help. Well, if you have a car, and you just tried to get in the castle by breaking down the door with your shoulder, maybe you can try crashing through the door with the car, rather than driving away for help. Maybe the cops can bring a battering ram, or have extra keys to the castle. Real stupidity in this film. There's a scene where the husband is trapped in a dungeon filling with water. This goes on for ½ hour. Finally, he miraculously breaks out and then saves his wife. And then we get the happy ending. Lee dies in a fire with the Nazi punisher. This is one stupid crappy movie. If you're a fan of Lee, DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE. If you're a fan of horror movies, or movies in general, or art, or life or anything, do not see this movie.

The film makers had a budget. Sets, a freaking castle, some decent actors that were given crap dialogue, and this is what we get.

The only reason to see this movie is to study it, then read the reviews of people who like/loved it, and then write a psychological paper on the human mind. Current IMDb rating is a joke at 5.9. This is a 1 star, nothing to see here. Garbage story/dialogue/dubbing/acting/scenes/music/sound effects/editing/just plain stupid movie.

I will recommend another movie instead: Bloody Pit Of Horror. This is not a great film, but it is fun.
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