Fargo: Somebody to Love (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
Dark Western (Mid-Western That Is) Morality Play
29 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps the ending of Fargo's third season wasn't as pat as many had hoped. That slithery snake VM didn't die but Emit did. It invites a lot of mental processing left to the individual. Leaving it for each viewer's own interpretation, as well as a hanging open final scene, isn't anything new. But, it has to be said it's equal parts brilliant as well as frustrating.. One thing seems to hover above it all which is that it was a simply a classic morality play not unlike a great western.

What makes Fargo so good is the inventive stories surrounding the characters and how their intersection occurs. Ewan McGregor's two roles were very strong to the point as a viewer you felt cheated when Ray was accidentally killed half-way in. And as in previous seasons the other reoccurring characters were rich. They made this season work even when the plot took hard to swallow turns. Varga was brilliant: purely evil in an insidious way. Niki was dangerously out there continuously ramping up her character's response to the unfolding mayhem. And Gloria was the smartest law enforcement agent who saw the connections of all the characters while being a normal single mom - you had to hope she would win regardless of her own self-doubt and constant sidelining. It's no accident then when as the third season fades to black it comes down to her versus Varga. You'll have to make your own decision as to who won.

This was another fine season. It was different while it had loose connections to both of the previous seasons. It had a feel closer to the Coen brother's movie which inspired it all too. It's truly hard to say which season is the absolute best as they, mostly, can stand alone- all uniquely great. The stories, I believe, were better previously, but possibly the dual role of McGregor's characters as affected by Varga's manipulations raise season three to being a worthy contender. Try not to be put off by the somewhat ambiguous ending as it comes down to the two best representations of good vs. evil which is entirely fitting. A kind of simple brilliant ending that actually speaks volumes.
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