Full of foreshadowing...
27 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A-Z Horror Movie of the Day..."Midnight Game" (R - 2013 - US)

Sub-Genre: Paranormal/Demon

My Score: 5.1

Cast=4 Acting=6 Plot=7 Ending=7 Story=3 Scare=3 Jump=5 F/X=5 Creep=6 Demon=5

After playing a pagan ritual on a dare, a group of high school students find themselves trapped in an endless cycle of their worst fears.

Full or foreshadowing, this movie was so predictable that it made me laugh. It was very cliché, but still a fun little movie with a couple of jumps and creeps to raise the heart rate a bit. I liked how the movie ended, although very predictable. Is it worth watching...sure I guess for the paranormal fan. Otherwise, you're not missing anything if you don't. Personally, I want to play the game for real and see what happens...who's with me?
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