Blondie is so grouchy in this one, no wonder they have separate beds!
26 June 2017
Back in the days of the strict Production Code, Hollywood had a lot of rules about sexuality in films. Kisses needed to be brief and chaste, bad girls needed to ultimately be punished and couples NEVER were in the same bed together...even if they were married. As a result, you see many married couples with separate beds...which makes you wonder HOW these couples ever got children! Well, there are separate beds in this one...and, for once, I would have wanted this as Blondie seemed unusually grouchy in this installment of the Blondie and Dagwood series. Of course, Dagwood gave her some reasons to be grouchy...but didn't he always?!

In the midst of Blondie and Dagwood disagreeing on how to spend their money (Blondie wants a new coat, Dagwood wants to join a fishing club), an old flame of Dagwood's shows up at the house. Joan (Rita Hayworth*) drops by and almost instantly Blondie is jealous and assumes the worst. And, the rest of the film involves Dagwood telling a couple of innocent lies and Blondie assuming the absolute worst....and stomping off for a divorce (the second time in the series).

I think I liked this one a bit less than usual...mostly because Blondie just seemed grouchier and very insecure. Sure, Dagwood is an idiot...but that's not new. Not a bad film but just a bit darker and more unpleasant than it should be. Also, the bit with the neighbor imitating Blondie and Dagwood's voices was really stupid.

*Can anyone on this planet believe that a dope that looks like Arthur Lake could ever catch a woman that looks like Rita Hayworth unless he was, perhaps, a mega-millionaire?!
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