Twelve Forever (2015 TV Short)
Why was this rejected?
25 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Going to go ahead and mark this as spoilers in case anyone hasn't actually seen the show's pilot. If you haven't, I highly recommend it.

OK wow, just wow. First of all, what the hell was CN thinking passing up this animated short; only to green light super boobs and have that absolute garbage be canceled in under TWO MONTHS.

The show has very flat and interesting comic book art style dynamics when it takes place in the real world, versus the eye popping gorgeous settings when transported to 12's 'Party Island.'12 or Reggie: A wild, and misunderstood main character who is reckless, yet admirable and leaves room for plot development as she begins learning how to accept growing up.(A real lesson for the kids other than this mindless crap they currently run )Shane: A thoughtful, mediator as her best friend to keep her from getting into too much trouble. And not to mention the strikingly interesting aspects of the main antagonist we still know very little about (even her actual name), the Butt Witch. Would attract many viewers 10-14 considering how accurately it depicts and connects with most children that age.It's also claimed by viewers to be quite nostalgic to the 80's with the choice of back round music and scenery, which could also help it connect to older audiences. Personally, I love the voice acting, as well as the character designs and mundane settings. So much potential, so much creativity, and so much time wasted leaving this show in the 'animated shorts' gallows to rot..

I hope when CN panics after SU ends and their ratings skyrocket into the toilet, they can look back and give this show and its creator what they rightfully deserve: A chance.
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