The Frame (2014)
schizophrenic, depressive, nonsense; Jamin Winans
24 June 2017
I accidentally bumped into this movie so I gave it a try. What a waste of time!

This movie was single-handedly written and directed by a failed writer/director by the name of Jamin Winans.. He's made several films and not one's been a success of any kind.

This movie is like following the life of somebody with severe schizoaffective disorder, a.k.a. schizophrenia with depression.

The movie was depressive and overly sentimental and dramatic.

The acting was poor.

The "low budget" showed throughout the entire film.

Very slow and boring overall. It was nonsense from start to finish.

If you're into nonsensical delusions and hallucinations (schizophrenia) and depression, then this movie is for you.
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