Fargo: Somebody to Love (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
This is a general theory for season 3 of Fargo that i came up with and i wanna know what you guys think about it. I think it gives a lot more sense to the whole story!
23 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
(i apologize for some typing mistakes...) FULL Of SPOILERS FROM THE WHOLE SEASON.

Hello stranger. Welcome to my story. The last 60 minutes I have been processing what the hell happened to my beloved Fargo and this season was not as good as the previous ones. So in an attempt to match the imaginary dots on my mind I came up with the craziest Theory, and the more thinking I give it... the more it Terrifies and Amazes me.

"Im so rarely seen I might just not even exist." "Pitchfork peasants with murder in their eyes." "Im just a traveler" "In five minutes I will disappear and you can do nothing to stop me" Hmm..... Sounds familiar right?

Now check this out. "I just travel around the world" "Is that what you see? A bowling alley?" "You just have to deliver the message to the evil. You will know when it's time." YES. I KNOW IT ALSO SOUNDS FAMILIAR. Now I want you to think. Who said those lines? Let me Help You. The first is V.M.V. the second is the mysterious man From the bar and the bowlling alley.

Now let me highlight their actions. The 1st one is Obnoxious. He tricks. He fools. He manipulates. He convinces. He steals. He kills. The 2nd One. He advises. He protects. He is concerned about you. He loves you. He knows your past (good and evil). He delivers message. He avenges(Yuri). He is fair.

yes... Now you are starting to understand my theory. But if you are still not sure. I didn't mention their similarities yet. They both appear or disappear unexpectedly and suddenly. VMV is in an elevator. His men outside getting slaughtered. He looks terrified. Down there is a Hot crazy woman waiting for him with a shotgun.... Guess what. He disappears.

The mysterious man. There is a bowling alley. In the middle of the forest. 3 bloodied people walk in. He is there....

Another similarity? They both remember everything. Gloria: Im agent Burgle.... VMV: I'm.... (whatever) .....~after a while~ Gloria: You don't remember me. do you? .... VMB: I do... agent Burgle. Gloria....

Mysterious Man. -Are you Yuri the Cossack? I have a message for you.

Now I think there is no doubt about what happened in this season. (or at least about this crazy theory). Vmv is the some kind of devil. Mysterious Man is some kind of God.

I guess you still have some questions like.... Of this was God then why Nikki died? Well... God saw some good power in Nikki he gave her instructions to follows and messages to deliver. Nikki though... She wasn't so good herself... and when she aimed the gun against Emit who clearly wasn't the evil guy but he was easily manipulated He interfered through the cop who suddenly arrived. That also lead Nikki to her end In a place were she could possibly reconnect with Ray (since the blood-path she chose gave her no other will to live. (she just took only a few dollars and police was after her)

And finally Mr. Wrench.... No the theory is a little hazy... But the major thoughts are 2. 1st one. As the devil had his own men to execute others and do his dirty job, God has his too. Mr. Wrench. He is at the right moment at the right place to save Nikki... help her avenge and finally bring justice by killing Emit 5 years later (since it was obvious that he was not a Saimt either... offshore money... killed his brother even by accident).... Point for this thought! In bowlling alley "God# Doesn't talk to him.... and he even says " I have talked to your friend before. He is in the right way."

2nd thought about mr.Wrench (MORE BADASS!). He is strong... Clever... Determined and Badass. He always finds his own way out and survives. His greatest power? HE IS DEAF. and what that means?..... HE CAN'T BE MANIPULATED. NEITHER BY THE DEVIL NEITHER BY GOD. He wrights his own story... he knows his way out he is free. Not afraid. No one CAN ENTER IN HIS MIND CAUSE HE CAN'T HEAR THEM.


So.... In conclusion.... the 2nd season of Fargo had a great confusion because of the UFO. In the 3rd season Fargo leveled up once again. Religion was the confusing Factor of the season. You may didn't enjoy this season as much as the others cause it was more confusing. But if my theory is stable I think the 3rd season of Fargo was A MASTERPIECE OF PLOT. HIDDEN CLUES. MIND BLOWING ACTION. ...And if you haven't realised yer. That's life. and thats religion. They both exist but NONE OF THESE MAKES ABSOLUTE SENSE. 😎
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