Review of Logan

Logan (2017)
No Country for Old X-Men
22 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film really blew me away. It's my favourite X-Men film. It feels like a mix between a western and a superhero film. Hugh Jackman was amazing in his last portrayal of the titular character,it's gonna be tough finding a replacement. Thankfully,they didn't make Laura a humanized baby groot,her character is fantastic,and she did a really good job as the vicious predator in the form of a little girl. Patrick Stewart was quite nice,sad to hear he'll be gone too. Boyd Holbrook was good,but they never really do something interesting with his character. The action scenes are unflinchingly brutal,especially the ones between X24 and Logan. The final act,particularly the Wolverine Unchained part,just signified what the character is all about. It's an amazing film,quite possibly the best superhero film of the year.
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