Demon Resurrection (2008 Video)
Fun horror flick
22 June 2017
A devil worshiper wants to use a woman as the mother for a devil offspring, but she escapes and seeks help from a group of friends in a old mansion. The Satanist resurrects a horde of mummified corpses and orders them to attack the woman and her friends.

The film was made on a low budget and it shows in some of the acting and effects. The pacing could've been better, but once the zombies show up it gets fairly entertaining. There is a lot of creepy atmosphere in the horror scenes and it feels very inspired by horror films from the 70s and 80s. The rubber masks used for the zombies are very reminiscent of films like Creepshow and Burial Ground for instance. Good choice of location as well.

Overall, for something made by people with little experience and money this was a well done film.
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