Young Dracula (2006–2014)
A Product Of A Good Vampire TV Series
21 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers

Season 1: There's not much to say about the first season. When I was younger, I enjoyed it immensely and would constantly watch repeats. Obviously, as I watch it now, I don't enjoy it as much as I do the other seasons because it is more aimed at young children rather than teens. I'd say that, if you were to watch this, you should skip season one altogether but would leave you heavily confused whilst watching season two. So, if you can, power through it. There's some humour there that still grabs a laugh out of me and might do with you, as well.

Season 2: This is where it gets more interesting, especially near the end. The show becomes less kid-like whilst growing up with the viewers. It's still safe for younger children but suitable for older ones, as well.

Season 3: And, like I said before, this season is interesting but far more exciting than the last one. It's not just about Vlad (Gerran Howell) wanting to be a Breather and eat cornflakes. It's about him facing his fears, his blood-mirror self, his destiny as The Chosen One. There is also a love interest called Erin (Sydney Rae White) who doesn't just sit around and follow Vlad. The Van Helsings are back, sadly, without Eric (Terence Maynard). Gerran Howell gives off a more convincing performance that clicks in perfectly with the admirable act from Keith Lee Castle (The Count) and the passionate determination of Ingrid, played by Claire Lucy Thomas.

Season 4: This season is my favourite. It is chock-full of different ideas and story lines that grasp your attention and leave you wanting more. It introduces a new character, Malik (Richard Southgate) who is just as convincing the rest of the cast and Sydney Rae White gives a brilliant showing when given Erin's new character development, going from sweet and kind to evil and manipulative. Although exciting, the show also gives off a flurry of different mood settings. It doesn't try and try and try with these scenes. They are subtle and well-done in so many ways. But, episode 11, The Breather Farm, surprised me. It was a good episode, much like the rest but its horror-movie-likeness was baffling. It shocked me that a, as called by the cast and producers of the show, 'kids show' would actually produce this. It didn't bother me as much as it would younger ones but, I have to say, I found it confusing as Claire Lucy Thomas' said on her Tumblr that they decided not to make the blood they drink too life-like, as it might be 'too scary' for audiences.

Season 5: This... This is where the show flops. After 3 fantastic seasons, this happens. A lot of character traits are crushed. For example, Ingrid, throughout the entire show, is fighting against the forces of Vampiric sexism but is unable to get what she wants. You expect a major breakthrough in this last season with her winning and changing Vampiric Law and actually getting what she wants. Instead, she doesn't. Not at all. She gets to co-own Garside (with the help of a man) but that's it. She doesn't really accomplish anything. What a waste of five seasons of complaining.

The Count becomes a wimp. Not slightly, like he was in all the previous seasons. He was scary, threatening, bold and prideful. Sure, like I said, he was wimpish at times but was almost always accepting to go into battle. In season five, this vanishes. He just becomes full-on-wimp and it's sad to see his character end like that.

Now we come to Vlad. When I heard S5 was coming out, I expected Vlad to have fulfilled his destiny in becoming the all-powerful Chosen One. I expected him to be a fearsome warrior who has gained all his powers and helps lead Vampires and Slayers into peace. Instead, he became some sort of 'zen master' and this was painfully disappointing to see. I did not expect his personality to morph into this and thought it was stupid that they had taken this route. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Last but not least, let's talk about the plots. The half-Breather, half-Vampire idea was great. I'll admit, I'd always had a sneaky suspicion that that was going to be the outcome and was pleased to see it turn that way. But, a lot of the other stuff doesn't seem to last. In the beginning of the episode, you'd have something come up, the characters panic and try to figure out how to solve it and by the time the episode ends, they overcome the situation and forget all about it. Ingrid plotting to kill Vlad became very old, considering that she had been doing it for four seasons and showed compassion to her Brother at the end of season four. The Count being cruel to his Daughter was also getting old and I wish those two debacles didn't exist in the final season. Tabitha was just there as a love interest and hardly contributed to the programme. And the 'final boss', if you want to call it that, are the Sons of Ramanga, which I also found weak and bit repetitive. In my opinion, they should've saved Sethius for the very end of this show. His plan for anarchy would've been good as a finale and to experience something so action-packed would've been amazing.

All in all, I give this 8/10. I highly recommend this programme and think it's one of CBBC's best.
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