Review of Lantern

Better Call Saul: Lantern (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
Real Jimmy
19 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILER** Well, Hector's temporarily out of commission; does this bring back his nephew Tuco? Nacho is reprieved from having to assassinate him. Howard thwarts Chuck's attempt to sue HHM by arranging loans, and using his own money to buy him out; showing Chuck (if he was paying attention), who REALLY cared about their firm. Chuck's true self comes out in the open, and is then turned loose on himself after he explains to Jimmy how he really feels.

Most important, I feel, is that Jimmy is shown to truly care about Irene by sabotaging his success and foregoing his payday. He nurses Kim, and picks up the paper mess from the wreck; then continues to take care of her. Kim, (maybe she knows Jimmy better than anyone thought) tells him that he is NOT going to feed her. Having had my own right arm in a cast for about six weeks, I can tell you she's right - It gets REAL old REAL fast. Small hamburgers, fries, and an electric steak knife help. He visits Chuck when his realization about the possibility of losing Kim drives him to apologize to Chuck. He is thereupon rebuffed and informed that Chuck just KNEW that he didn't care about anyone else, he was ALWAYS going to hurt everyone else around him, and he (Chuck) didn't and had never thought very much of him.

Now, I've said all along that Jimmy is actually a good guy who is screwed by his big brother (Kinda like Ray in Fargo, don't you think?). He's resourceful enough to continually find ways to fight his way to the surface and keep on paddling despite "respectable" attorney's efforts (thanks to his brother). Chuck suffers a mental breakdown and destroys his really beautiful home trying to track down an elusive trickle current from a power meter.

Now, I'm not completely sure about this, so, if I'm wrong, I apologize. I think that there is always a small amount of electricity deliberately shunted to ground to keep the meter running, so the power company can make sure it is still in service. Just a trickle but enough to drive Chuck off the rails. Another thing could be a leak through a faulty breaker to ground; anyway it was interesting watching Chuck drive himself nuts instead of calling a reputable IBEW electrician. ANY electrical leak should be checked out; they are definitely hazardous. He deteriorates further to the "lantern" point. Like I've also said before, I hope nothing bad happens to Kim; I'm not a big blonde fan, but she's an exception (kudos Rhea Seehorn). So, now we wait for another ten months, huh?
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