Review of Man Vs.

Man Vs. (2015)
OK "found footage" thriller that completely falls apart...
16 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
*SPOILERS* So I'm a big Chris Diamantopoulos fan, ever since I caught his surprisingly touching and nuanced performance as Moe in The Three Stooges. His later menacing turn in Empire State sealed the deal as being an actor to watch. So unsurprisingly, he's the best thing in this found footage thriller that can best be described as "Bear Grylls vs. The Predator".

As awesome as that premise sounds, the problem is the movie keeps that premise as a surprise reveal until almost the end. For the first hour or so we're basically treated to a one-man Blair Witch Project where spooky stuff keeps happening, until all of a sudden a Syfy-level CGI alien pops up and then it turns into a poorly made and written monster movie. If the monster had looked halfway decent, or if the main character actually used his survival skills to do battle with the alien (like the final third of Predator), this would have been a great, fun movie. Instead it just ends nonsensically with an incredibly hard-to-see finale with over-the-top gore.

There's still some decent talent in front of and behind the camera, i just wish the filmmakers had faith in their fun premise and let it flow throughout the actual movie, instead of just being the twist at the end.
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