200 Degrees (2017)
Derivative unimaginative rubbish
11 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Read above: S P O I L E R S

This is the whole story: guy (Ryan Hinds) wakes up shackled to a chair in an iron room that turns out to be an oven. His distraught, grief- stricken policeman brother (John) locked him there to milk him out of his money. After all, John's boy died of cancer because he was unable to tell Ryan that's why he needed money. So, it is Ryan's fault, of course.

The room is metal. It has a very large electrical heating set hanging from the ceiling, a submarine-like door, a reinforced glass spy window and ventilation that can be turned open or shut.

Ryan is something of a stock broker. The type Hollywood loves to demonize. He was at a party with his partner and 2 prostitutes (obviously...) at which both were severally abducted and taken to the oven rooms (one for each of them).

The partner calls Ryan to ask for help as the heat in his oven gets turned on. We listen as he crisply dies. Then John, voice disguised by a modulator, demands one million dollars.

The oven is made of iron. There's no way one could get a good signal in there - and Ryan should know it. However, there's a strong signal available, so Ryan calls his brother John on his iPhone7. Ryan doesn't know his whereabouts and, it seems, he also doesn't know how to find it through any maps app..... Oh....wait....John is in the precinct? Then how can he be talking to Ryan at the oven rooms warehouse? Simple! His good wife AND Ryan's own wife are there lending a helping hand....and killing Ryan's partner in the process.

Well, left with no alternatives, Ryan starts transferring all his money to his captor's account. Including money from his dying father's health insurance. And conning the most of it from his clients. All through the phone. All at a moment's notice. And all with instant transfers. Ryan has such nice and gullible clients!

When he is finished and the captor demands more, you can imagine poor Ryan's surprise....well, it turns out that the captor knows that Ryan has a 4 million stash in a different bank. They also know the account number and the password! So, Ryan goes on and obliges the captor - after all, it either that or going roast....

Then they finally let him out and expose the charade. John's wife, not contented with the money, also shoots Ryan's wife. And only then notices that the money has been taken back....

John notices things have gone south in a bad way. So, the logical decision is to shoot his own wife and try to make amends with Ryan.

Ryan then manages (we don't see how but, at this point, who cares?) to get all the bodies and his brother locked into his old oven. He turns on the medium heat and leaves everybody to slow cooking as he walks away into the credits......

Seriously, go watch anything else.....
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