Lookwell (1991 TV Movie)
The brilliance of Adam West
11 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Plot; The star of a long cancelled detective show uses his ceremonial deputy status to help the police solve crimes.

With the passing of Adam West yesterday, I had planned to watch a two-parter of his classic Batman in tribute. But in reading about West I stumbled across an unsold pilot he starred in that was written and produced by Conan O'Brien and Robert Smigel. Over the years it's gained a cult status and is frequently mentioned as one of the best failed pilots of all-time. The pilot is called Lookwell, and if it's the glove, Adam West is the hand.

In the last 24 hours, much has been said about how deft West's portrayal of the Caped Crusader was. With material that plays on several levels, he gives a virtuoso performance that we're only now really beginning to appreciate. That touch is on full display in this consistently amusing and intermittently clever pilot with a premise that seems tailor made for a man of West's talents. Playing the loveably oblivious Ty Lookwell, he gets to don a variety of getups and is clearly enjoying himself.

This would've been a tough premise to keep up on a weekly basis, but we were sadly denied the opportunity to see Adam West display his unique talents in this equally unique show.
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