Criminal Minds: Alpha Male (2017)
Season 12, Episode 15
In the words of the great Oscar Wilde, One of the many lessons that one learns in prison is that things are what they are and will be what they will be
11 June 2017
In its prime (Seasons 1-5, with Season 4 to me being the best and most consistent season with a lot of classic episodes and even the weakest episodes being far from awful) 'Criminal Minds' was one of my favourite shows. From Season 6 it did become hit and miss, with the odd gem, but a lot of average episodes and some stinkers.

After being blown away by "Spencer", the best of Season 12 yet and the start of Reid's prison story line, "Collision Course" and "Alpha Male" have been quite as good, though following on from "Spencer" is a very tall order. While stumbling with "Taboo" and particularly "The Anti-Terror Squad", Season 12, while less than perfect, has been nowhere near as bad as feared. Especially considering the troubled behind-the-scenes with Thomas Gibson's firing and Hotch's abrupt departure and undergoing numerous significant changes that to date have had mixed results, also with how underwhelming most of Season 11 was, only 6 or 7 episodes were good and above while the worst episodes were low-points.

Not without its faults by all means. Really hate Garcia's hostility towards Alvez, there have been times where it has been toned down but it just feels so out of character (more the annoying caricature than a ray of sunshine), am aware she misses Morgan but Alvez isn't trying too hard to be him but Garcia treats him that way. It is clear that Wilkins is not meant to be a kind of sympathetic guy, but the character is too much of a clichéd cartoon and his treatment of Reid, which goes well overboard on the cruelty factor, is never explained.

The case is decent enough, though there are elements that are too familiar to "Collision Course", at times with certain details changed or the same it would have been nearly the same.

Reid's story line has been very interesting so far though. It has been shockingly harrowing and has reduced me to tears, as well as Matthew Gray Gubler's impeccable acting though one does hope that it doesn't get too drawn out too long or become too clichéd. And please Reid, don't leave when you're such an essential part of the show.

Visually, "Alpha Male" looks great as to be expected. Very well shot and lit and is overall stylish, gritty, classy and atmospheric. The music is moody in the haunting and melancholic sense and fits well, without either enhancing or distracting from it. The direction is alert, tense and accommodating.

Much of the script is tense and thought-provoking.

While not wowing me the case is still tense and gruesome with sympathetic victims, horrific attacks and a truly chilling unsub. "Alpha Male" also deserves a lot of credit for not trying to show distaste for the manosphere and shining a light on existing nasty attitudes that hold much relevance. Calvin is an interesting character, though the reason for why he's in prison in the first place is pretty flimsy.

Love the team's concern for Reid, and finally Walker has more to do and not as bland as he has been before, his involvement at the climax has been his best scene to date. The acting is very good all round.

In conclusion, not a 'Criminal Minds' classic but a long way from a stinker. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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