Not a horror movie...but doesn't work as a suspense thriller either
10 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the marketing and the title, this is not a horror movie. It's a post-apocalyptic suspense thriller. I'm not even sure what "it" refers to in the title. There is no ghost or monster or anything else supernatural. The danger comes from a virus that has killed most of the people in the world and from other humans. A few brief scenes at first seem to be in the horror movie genre, but they are quickly revealed to be only the bad dreams of the teenage boy. I think you're more likely to enjoy the movie if you understand all this going in.

This is a low budget, minimalist movie. Almost the entire movie takes place in and around one house in the woods. Probably 2/3 of the scenes take place in the dark. You see a lot of scenes with characters wearing gas masks creeping around in the dark with lanterns or flashlights attached to the end of gun barrels. I never could figure out why they wore gas masks some of the time, but were not worried about removing them at other times.

There is relatively little dialog or character development. I didn't have much sympathy for any of the characters. There isn't much suspense unless you consider people pointing rifles at other people to be suspenseful. And not much happens. The movie is mostly about people being afraid of getting sick with a deadly virus and people getting killed because they are sick.
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