Bare Exposure (1993)
Well, I Suppose That's One Way to Pay Off a Debt
8 June 2017
After catching her roommate, "Brittany" (Tammy Parks) making love in her apartment for the second time that week, "Rachel" (Stephanie Carlisle) decides to move out which leaves both Brittany and her other roommate Megan (Ashley Raye) in dire straits and force them to find another person to help share the rent. Unfortunately, their troubles don't end there as they are soon told that a friend by the name of "Clancy" (Westley Scott) owes $5,000 to the mob and he desperately needs it soon to avoid being seriously hurt. So with no other resources other than their beautiful bodies they decide to redecorate an old building and charge admission for a wet T-shirt contest with the proceeds going to pay off Clancy's debt. What they don't count on, however, is that Rachel isn't finished trying to ruin their lives and neither the police nor the mob are willing to leave them alone either. Now rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a rather weak comedy which lacked the necessary humor to amount to anything special. Likewise, although both Tammy Parks and Ashley Raye were certainly attractive enough, the scenes involving sex or romance lacked the necessary passion and eroticism as well. That being said, this movie was essentially substandard in every way and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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