Doctor Who: The Lie of the Land (2017)
Season 10, Episode 8
Deja Vu
4 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Daleks take over Earth Martha Jones leads resistance, Donna uses her mind to win the day etc etc. This 3 part nonsense is just a regurgitation of much better episodes. We did the usual emotional stuff done a lot better by previous companions and then Earth conveniently forgets everything again. Like the magic trees and their fairy dust.

The writing is becoming worse and now nicking good ideas off previous Doctors under the Russ Davies era. What exactly the Monks were getting out of their invasion was never explained. One of them sat in a chair and beamed out fake news in a big pyramid in London.

Doctor does some stupid stuff that gets the gang to the pyramid and then he fails to defeat the Monk in chief. Never fear DoctorDonnaBill steps up and using a pure thought breaks the spell. Bit like Martha getting everybody to think about the Doctor at the same time when The Master had taken over Earth.

This brings me to the decent bit when we see the psychotic Missy trying to wean herself of violence locked in a box. I think we did that one before too with the Pandorica. Missy is a great character whereas Bill is not. Hopefully when this lot disappear she will still survive and hopefully still be bad.

The Monks were defeated rather easily and left us in their big pyramid. And then everybody conveniently forgot it all. Just like the Magic Trees. But the statues were still there and there was a huge flat area in London that nobody seemed to mind. It's a weak tool that he has used twice now.

Moffat has had some good actors under his stewardship and they never had a chance as he just tried to deliver a monumentally long story arc and blew it at the end. The Impossible girl and the hybrid which ended up being meaningless. Just like this stupid 3 part pile of corn.

It has been a long hard road but at least we will be rid of this fool soon enough. But it could have been different as he wrote some good solid stuff when Russ ran the show. But he never could match him when he moved up and did a disservice to people like Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi.

Desperation is setting in now as we are moving back to old faves like Ice Warriors and Cybermen with canvas heads and high pitched voices. How will he explain this after he destroyed the Cyberman story with his moronic Cybermen can grow from some old bones and remember their past even though their brain rotted away years ago as in the Brigadier/Cyberman remains to be seen.

A 2 year old chimp could come up with better story's.

This whole Moffat era has been a disaster. The Moon is an Egg, trees save us in times of peril and then we forget, his rubbish new Daleks, Skovox Blitzer, Fisher King. Ridiculous convoluted plots over several episodes that make no sense and contradict the whole of Dr Who before Moffat took over such as the Cybermen episodes. Really bad storytelling leaving the actors left to deliver idiotic dialogue.

This whole 3 part nonsense really scraping the barrel.
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