Cattle Drive - new challenges...
4 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has always been among my favorites- I suppose it was one of the most expensive episodes in this series, due to the in-location shooting of the show and the expenses of using all those cows...

The story begins with Dr.Mike, Sully,the children, Loren, Robert E. and Grace riding south to meet Miss Olive, who is ill,only to find out she's dead. Everyone grieves for a while, and, I can say for myself I never liked her much, but she's an interesting character. In her will, Olive leaves Matthew all her cattle, and he must bring them north to Colorado with the help of his friends. He becomes head of the drive, and he learns with his mistakes along the trail. There are a few Texans working, one of them, Jesse, is sweet on Coleen...but Dr.Mike doesn't trust him much. Then there are many adversities, and Matthew always goes against Sully's advice, hence causing more trouble. Brian is bitten by a scorpion, and after they reach water, a stampede in the herd causes more trouble... Stay tuned for Part II!
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