Wonder Woman (2017)
2 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was awesome.

Gal Gadot was a great choice to play Wonder Woman.

The movie had a lot of action and it treated you like an adult, not like other comic book movies (Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2, I'm looking at you).

Wonder Woman had complexity to her character, something you won't see in the MCU. She was naive about man's world, feeling that saving the world would be easy. She believed that if she stopped Ares that there'd be peace in the world, even though it turns out there are just bad people out there, something she comes to accept. But she is also shown there are good people, like Steve Trevor and his friends.

I've seen people say this movie copied the first Captain America movie because it was set in the past during a major war. But the difference is Warner Bros. and DC had the guts to actually show the enemy soldiers and acknowledged who and what they were, unlike Marvel Studios who didn't want to depict evil American Captain America beating up Nazis. For whatever reason Marvel thought it'd be offensive to show Captain America fighting Nazis, so he fought generic soldiers of Hydra.

Ares was awesome, trying to sway Diana to help him by showing her that he didn't influence man, they do all of these horrible things on his own. But Diana won't be swayed and she has an epic confrontation with Ares. It's always refreshing to see the hero actually fight the villain, not just generic henchman (looking at you MCU) or having the hero turn into Pacman for a gag (I just keep throwing shade at Marvel, don't I. Completely unintentional, I swear).

People keep saying this is the best DC movie yet. But here's the thing, Batman v Superman and Man of Steel were great films, if you ignore what Marvel fanboy critics say with their "OMG, where are the jokes? Why is there so much action? Why is the story not easy to follow like the paint-by-number Marvel crap the MUC gives us?" This movie shows me that everyone just hates Zack Snyder for whatever reason. Patty Jenkins directed this movie, but the story was credited to Snyder and he and his wife produced it like the rest of the DCeU movies he directed.

But this movie didn't feel much different than the other DCeU movies to me. Had a serious tone with intense situations, and a hero having to stand against overwhelming odds.

People say "this is the only DC movie with any heart." But we all know what they mean. they just mean there was some humor in this movie. Critics and fanboys believe that for a movie to have "heart", you have to have gotten a few chuckles out of a movie. But that's nonsense.

The DCeU is underrated, and critics and fanboys have chosen the already tired MCU movie style of 1-dimensional plots, phoned in performances, quips, quips, quips, quips, quips, and quips with 1- dimensional villains to compare all comic book movies to. So if a movie doesn't fit what the critics and fanboys expect it to, if it's even remotely dark or lacks a certain number of jokes, it's considered bad.

I'm looking forward to Justice League, and I left the theater happy after seeing Wonder Woman. It's nice to have movies to look forward to, because frankly I don't feel like watching Iron-Man 3.5: Homecoming or Thor: Jokes and Gags.

See this movie if you haven't already, and go back and watch the previous movies of the DCeU with fresh eyes and not judging it based on what Kevin Feige tells you a comic book movie is supposed to be.

Every movie doesn't have to be a sitcom.
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