Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Fetish (1965)
Season 8, Episode 21
Major Minors
3 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** Anytime They try to use a floor show to get a point across, it fails. This one, in my opinion, miserably. Fay Wray was a good actress, but whoever thought up the whole night club act, well, words fail. The music was not coordinated with the actual players, and the drums they were using weren't right - they should have taken a little more time to line up the music with the playing.

I never did get WHY Collins took the dagger from the dressing room, but I thought it was hilarious to see him getting caught in the dead girl's hospital room.

Karen Steele was a serious babe, and great as a substance abusing tramp, although she looked WAY too good in her morning after scene. She was hot, but Collins should have known better - he played an educated idiot; she was probably his first real girlfriend, but it's still no excuse.

I was surprised to see that it wasn't the chemical dirtbag, but the executive dirtbag in the end. Probably, even though Hamilton Burger threatened the chemist, I don't think it was extortion or blackmail, the man just wanted justice. Very versatile actor James Griffith did his usual excellent work with this role. I was glad to see him play a good guy for a change.

Doug Kennedy played a solid bit part (Brady Duncan; what a great name). He always did. I said this before, and no doubt I'll say it again; it was the actors in these minor roles who saved the episode. Their talents overcame a really silly premise of black magic, and made it watchable. They are normally so good that it seems effortless to fit from one role into another, totally different persona. Kennedy and Steele could do this very well, as natural as changing clothes. We owe a debt that can never be paid to these finest actors who have given us some terrific entertainment. In this episode, they saved us from the cheap sets and silly side shows.
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