Wonder Woman (2017)
Enjoyable for the most part but editing kills it in the end
1 June 2017
Can't say I was ever a fan of Wonder Woman but then again I'm not a fan of DCU in general with the exception of Batman (hated the atrocious embodiment by Ben Affleck though). Given that I thoroughly hated the new Superman movies as well as the awful Superman vs Batman ... whatever that was, I still decided to give WW a shot ... and I was pleasantly surprised for the most part.

Wonder Woman puts all other recent DC movies to shame through a nice character introduction and the build-up, though predictable (well, it's a comics inspired movie after all) it's well supported by Pine and Gadot and once their little band comes together, Taghmaoui also gets a piece of spotlight. Several in fact.

I was half expecting to dread the WWI background but instead I found it refreshing. Marvel's Captain American went on for WWII, a decision saved by keeping the war in the background. Here it serves as a vehicle for the discovery of humanity, as shallow as it may be.

There's plenty to like in the movie, the fighting scenes are decently choreographed, the soundtrack is great, the characters are expectedly one-dimensional.

On the downside: - the editing keeps the movie from being a blast. At one point, the group who met WW couple of days ago and barely exchanged words somehow find it to give her a boost the same way she was trained as a child. I bet somewhere there's a scene that would've explained that moment - the nonsense about love and humanity that Gadot is made to spew at the very end basically wrecks the entire character buildup - David Thewlis is completely miscast. His appearance in armour is ridiculous (seriously, professor Lupin as a full fledged action hero??), at one point he's without helmet and the mustache complements the armour like a dog flea complements a cup of Earl Grey. - the movie takes itself much to seriously and I do take into account that the few bits of humour revolve around a formerly isolated person who gets updated on to the current state of things. It does pull a few laughs but not nearly enough.
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