1 June 2017
The two-parter, "Gun on Ice Planet Zero" was, in my opinion, something that must have sounded like one hell of an idea when it was conceived. It's executed kinda sluggish in places, with the Cylons kinda dorky. That is with hindsight, if you watch it today. By TV standards of that time, this is, of course, something unique. And I did see it way back, and do not get me wrong, I am a fan. A fan who wants it to work. But you gotta admit, this was some huge undertaking. Too much. Every little mistake snowballs, no pun intended. And they look too much like Eskimos. Nobody can act past those fur coat & foggy plastic-visored outfits.

After seeing the same (ineffectual) explosion for the hundredth time (I'm not exaggerating too much) I'm more in the mood for character development. Athena, Starbuck, Cassiopeia, that love triangle; everybody on board the big old leviathan cruising the dark skies pondering their uncertain future and the loss of their families back home, and, yes, mean old Baltar plotting the demise of the grand old Galactica. But there is this inflow of this episode's characters and everything plods along without any real feel for them developing.

Maren Jensen, underemployed. Research show she wasn't healthy at the time. The promising love triangle set-up ruined. Interesting casting with no less a luminary than the delectable former Bond girl Britt Ekland, but she unfortunately fails to make any impact beyond an almost token apoearance.
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