Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Feud (2007 TV Movie)
Movie Company: "Damn The Logic; Let's Just Make Money!"
24 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Man, oh man. Was this dreadful! I could sit here and list the hundreds of ways this redneck version of Romeo & Juliet blew chunks, but I'd be here forever. And shame on Lance Henricksen for even showing up in this lame movie.

To say that the characters on portray were as dumb as bricks is just an insult to bricks. One family of moonshine-swilling rednecks shows up to burn down their enemy's house with Molotov cocktails and no one thinks of bringing a gun just in case the family who is getting their house burned to the ground gets angry? Fight fire with...fists?

And what is with this lame business that, whenever Pumpkinhead announces his arrival, people just sit around screaming and waiting for him to arrive and behead them, or eviscerate them, or whatever he feels like doing at the moment? Get out, dammit! You have to be told? Ridiculous.

As a matter of fact, that enclave only has one lawman? The rednecks have trucks. Why stick around for Pumpkinhead when you're aware he's practically invincible? But you stick around, shoot him with shotgun shells a few times, and when that fails, attack him with your fist like you're Muhammad Ali? I could go on and on but this move was just inept and stupid; just a quick buck for the studio to capitalize off the Pumpkinhead name. Man, I hate sequels.
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