The Flash: Finish Line (2017)
Season 3, Episode 23
Telegraphed, Uneven tonally, and just Disappointing
23 May 2017
I don't know if it's because Arrow is doing essentially the same storyline (the hero creates and is represented as the villain) or because they are doing it miles better, but this season of Flash really crapped the bed. Especially towards the end. There were certain things this season did incredibly well, and I'll still defend that it was the right decision to make Barry his own villain, but there were so many missed opportunities and poorly executed aspects of this season.

I don't want to continue to compare the show to Arrow, but it's amazing to see just how much better that show is at balancing its characters and knowing when or when not to kill them. I figured this show was never going to kill Iris off, but how lame is it to see that (monumental) death be wiped away by one from H.R. Especially considering how manipulative and botched that whole experience was this season. Sure, the show must go on at some point, but I don't even feel like they gave enough time mourning H.R.

Complement that with the fact that Savitar's plan (or lack thereof) felt like second fiddle to the true villain of this episode (the speed force), was extremely disappointing. I always hoped there would be a big payoff to having Savitar sit out multiple episodes at a time or being manipulated by a lingering Iris' death, but the only thing this season gave us was a cool speed force sendoff. That sendoff is the only good thing memorable about this episode. Because that moment was earned through months and now years of Barry trying to fix the timeline so many times. Ending with Barry trapped in the speed force was telegraphed the entire season, but it at least meant something. It was emotional. That's more than any part of these last few episodes have been.

There was even a point where good Barry tried to redeem Savitar-Barry and keep him around for a while. What? Is that really the route we are taking on someone who tried to kill the love of your life and who JUST killed one of your new best friends? That's what we're doing here? Is this a joke? We spent nearly an entire second half of a season waiting to figure out the fate of Iris and then it gets swept away in a matter of minutes. In my mind, this episode was summed up in a matter of a few lines from Tracy, "You're about to have a really bad day". More like a really "bad episode."

There's really only a few things that this episode did particularly well. It had great performances from all parts and the decision they made to send Barry into the speed force and keep Caitlin uncured was admirable. I just wish everything wasn't so easy to figure out. Ending Savitar's run with a shot from Iris should have felt gratifying, but it was painfully cringe worthy. Also, Wally doing virtually nothing the entire episode? Sure, that's good. Overall, there is a minuscule amount of things that I really enjoyed about tonight. Most of it was really disappointing. Alas, there's always next year, right?

+Speed force retaliates

+Caitlin's decision

-Iris not being killed by Savitar/ HR twist

-Iris killing Savitar

-Feels like a season wasted with so many opportunities

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