Review of Alistair1918

Alistair1918 (2015)
Raw, realistic to an extent, but you need to use your imagination
23 May 2017
If you were in a Hollywood movie and you stumbled across a man that said that he'd time-travelled from 1918, I bet you'd help him and there would be amazing special effects. If the same scenario happened to you in real life, I wonder if you'd be more likely to run away and perhaps report him to local services of some sort?

I found this film quite extraordinary, but something about it intrigued me enough to watch it all the way through.

I initially felt that it was obviously very low budget (which it clearly is). Then I felt that the acting was nothing special, until it struck me that the acting was incredibly natural. It all just seemed very real to me which makes a change because in these types of found footage/hand-cam movies I'm used to clichés. There were no corny lines that I noticed.

The reason that I've put in my subject title that you have to use your imagination is because there are parts in the film where I thought "that doesn't explain something", or "you just wouldn't do that, would you?". That is where I had to make allowances. It's confusing in parts. I felt emphasis with the female lead who wasn't sure if she believed the soldier, but she wanted to. - And then her male partner/husband who was very cynical. (That also confused me because at one point, unless I misunderstood, she's gay?).

The script was written beautifully and with realism, the lead actor (and writer) I felt was very handsome. It even picked up on the fact that because of what had happened to him and the fact that he'd been in his uniform for a while, that his body might smell a bit. Little touches to the movie like that are often not noticed or generally not even mentioned.

I suspect that most people won't like this movie. Personally I thought it was very good. Not superb, but very good. 8/10 from me and I'm going to see what else I can find from at least the 2 lead actors in this movie. Particularly the male.
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