Twin Peaks: Part 3 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 3
A more uniform narrative combined with lots of humour makes this the best instalment yet.
21 May 2017
While there were many things that I loved about the first two parts, I found that the editing and pacing as well as certain elements were a little rocky. This episode took a far more narrow approach, focusing almost entirely on a single story-line. This, combined with a whopping dose of humour made this the strongest hour yet of this revival. Some of the moments in this episode had me rolling with laughter. A large portion of this episode felt very similar to the scene with the old waiter in the season 2 premiere, or the scene with the old banker in the season 2 finale, by which I mean that it was long, drawn out, and equal parts frustrating, hilarious, and terrifying. It is Lynch at his best. That's what this whole episode felt like.

A note for anyone that is confused; episodes 3&4 were released a week early in the United States, the UK, and Canada via the On-Demand branches of the channels responsible for broadcasting the revival in these countries. This is why I have already been able to see it, despite the fact that it has not been released some places. I feel sympathetic for all those who can not see these episodes yet because of the country they are in. As a Canadian, I have often been in your situation and I know exactly how you feel.
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