Criminal Minds: Anonymous (2015)
Season 10, Episode 12
Middle of the road episode from Season 10
21 May 2017
Season 10 was very much mixed in quality, very like much of the period from Season 6 onward, but although there were less than good episodes there were also good and more ones. "Anonymous" fits in neither extreme of best or worst, instead being a decent middle of the road episode, with nothing disastrously wrong but lacking the extra something to be even better.

It is not quite as good as the terrifying "Mr Scratch", the poignant and harrowing "Nelson's Sparrow", the creepy and powerful "The Forever People", the tense "Rock Creek Park" and the unconventional but extremely well done "A Thousand Suns". On the other hand, it's significantly better than the likes of the strange and not in a good way "If the Shoe Fits", the poor "Breath Play", the very unbalanced in writing "Protection", the wastes of good ideas "Hashtag", "The Boys of Sudworth Place", the disappointing "Beyond Borders" and the similarly unbalanced in writing "Scream".

There is much to praise in "Anonymous". Visually, as always, the production values are without complaint. It's very well shot and lit and is overall stylish, gritty, classy and atmospheric. The music is moody in the haunting and melancholic sense and fits well, without either enhancing or distracting from it.

Really appreciated the subtlety of Joe Mantegna's direction, there is momentum and flow while also an intricately that helps in empathising with certain situations in the episode. The same goes for Mantegna's acting too, Rossi is one of the most interesting characters on 'Criminal Minds' and from his first appearance has been the one that grows the most and "Anonymous" like the Rossi-centric episodes of Season 7 is a masterclass in subtlety and complexity which brings a different side to the "King of Sass", take no prisoners and old-school usual self.

"Anonymous" serves as a tribute to the character of Harrison Scott and his actor Meshach Taylor. This tribute was done in a heartfelt and thoughtful way, instead of slowing things and not taking up too much of the episode. The chemistry between Rossi and Morgan (which saw the quote of the episode with Rossi's It's all in your technique, and all those muscles of yours won't help in something like this") and the sweet one with him and Joy were absolutely great. Much of the writing is thought-provoking and there are engrossing parts in the story (like some classic misdirection at the beginning and surprisingly well executed back and worth of focus on Rossi and the unsub). The acting is very good, especially from Mantegna.

Not everything is entirely smooth-sailing. Despite never condoning his awful actions but empathising with his love for his daughter and the tragic situation, the unsub could have been better developed and his motives much clearer and less confused.

There could have been more profiling and psychological delving, what there was felt incidental and even irrelevant to the story. Tension and suspense was there but could have been more consistent. Kate is rather bland and stuck with generic lines that could be given to anyone and Jennifer Love Hewitt's somewhat out of place presence.

One of the bigger complaints is the climactic takedown, that was lacking in tension and was so predictable and somewhat like a re-hash. This may sound like nit-picking but JJ's involvement in the takedowns feels stale and did long ago, the character has been out of character, overused and less likable for a while now (though no complaints can be made about AJ Cook's acting) and "Anonymous" does nothing to change my perception. Plus there are agents far more qualified to take down the unsub.

In conclusion, decent episode with a lot to admire but not much above that in terms of why one sees 'Criminal Minds' in the first place. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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