It's good but it doesn't feel like a theatrical movie
21 May 2017
SpongeBob SquarePants is one of my favorite television shows of all time. Most of the episodes are absolutely wonderful, and several of the jokes hit their marks. The first movie, for a long time, was the greatest movie I've ever seen, until Titanic trumped it a few years later. I never go to theaters so I didn't exactly see this movie on the big screen, and a few years after its release I watched it on the TV upstairs, and now I am able to give my honest opinion about it.

This movie is not bad. It's not even mediocre. It's surprisingly really good. But the biggest problem about it is that it doesn't feel like it should be a theatrical film. It feels like an hour and a half long TV special rather than a movie. many people may disagree with me about this, but this barely even feels like a SpongeBob movie. I don't exactly know how to explain it. But that doesn't mean it's bad. Far from it. It's a good movie. The CGI seagulls were hilarious and the pirate also put on a great performance. And also how the main characters all got together to take down the big bad, even the main villain helped our heroes. The jokes mostly hit their mark and several of the scenes where chaos ensues are definitely very funny. But it just doesn't feel like a proper SpongeBob movie to me. Personally, SpongeBob should belong on TV instead of the movie theater. The biggest issue I have is actually the rap battle in the end. I personally think it should be CGI just like how the animals usually are. But otherwise, it's a good movie, with some noticeable flaws.
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