Suicide Squad (2016)
Top actors in "B" movie
20 May 2017
A lot of good actors obviously needed some extra cash because for the life of me I can see no other reason they appeared in this drivel. A script that is so bad as to be laughable and looked like it had been written by a computer that was badly programmed. And yet it's is the work of David Ayer who wrote the screenplay for Training Day!? So is this just a one off case of writer's block? Let's hope so.

Cliché after cliché and a set of characters that were so poor that any actor that appeared in this tosh will have to do something sensational to recover their reputations. Mind you considering the rubbish that's produced currently, appearing in this ridiculous movie may not be a problem.

So were there any redeeming aspects to this movie? Not really although the special effects were OK. The music made it seem like a series of music videos that were separated by a music score. So many disappointments and yet it's made $745.6 million at the box office. I think that says an awful lot about the standard of publicity than it does about the standard of this movie.
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