Boardwalk Empire: Eldorado (2014)
Season 5, Episode 8
The future is ours
19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was the perfect series finale for the show: violent but sad.

Since the beginning of the show, the writers told us about the past of Nucky and Gillian with the Commodore, but we finally see it in the 5th season and mix it with the problems of the present was the best thing for this end.

We see a Nucky who's lost in his own path, and he's trying to settle his stuff in the present, and a Nucky getting involve in the game in the past.

I love the way this episode works like and epilogue for the Luciano- Lansky arc and the Capone's arc. Like I said in my review of Friendless Child, the way Charlie changes through the years was very impressive and Vincent Piazza did an amazing job. With Capone was quite different, he was the same from the beginning but in this episode, we see him talking with her son in a emotional talk and the scene where he's going to jail is one of the best of the show.

Afterwards, the end was superlative. The way that the circle is complete it's amazing: Tommy killing Nucky in revenge of his family was the best end for this show, although, I would've like to see more of him and his future.

+ The Thompsons's end.

+ Luciano-Lansky and Capone's end.

+ The connections between the past and the future.

+ Tommy's introduction.

+ Perfect ending.

  • I've missed all the characters that previously died.

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