Comedic spaghetti western goes way over the top
17 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THEY STILL CALL ME AMEN is a scattershot comedy spaghetti western, with a star role for Luc Merenda who isn't best suited to the material. But then I'm not sure that anyone could be, because this is a film that makes the Terence Hill/Bud Spencer comedies look highbrow. The film sees Merenda's gunslinger going after a corrupt reverend with whom he has a personal grudge, but the whole thing seems to be an excuse for irritating adventures including a kid, comedic shoot-outs, and the kind of mass brawls that Hill and Spencer were known for. This features cheesy dubbing, silly sound effects, and a ton of lowbrow comedy involving lusting after women and bad guys getting tortured and violently tormented. It's like a live action cartoon, but it's far too much for your average viewer to take.
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