Girl/Girl Scene (2010– )
TUCKY: Please make another season ;)
16 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show has it's pros and cons, but I rated 5 stars because the pros outweigh the cons, and anyone thinking of watching it should give it a chance.

PROS: Awesome cast... they did an amazing job at portraying their characters in such a way that I cared about each of them by the end. It was also great to see something different from the norm. Most lesbian shows/movies concentrate on the "coming out" process, the social injustices we face, living in the closet, politics... etc. It's really hard to find shows that are just showing women living their lives. And while I recognize the importance of those shows, it's still nice just to see something different... (where the lesbian doesn't die... kind of :P ).

However, the main reason I liked this show is I was able to relate to a character, and finding characters like that in today's media is really hard. For the longest, the closest I could get to that was Shane from the LWord. And while I had some similarities to her, I didn't feel like we were in the same league. She had confidence, she was a player... and she mad game! And that just wasn't me. And then I met Bender! And that was it... finally I found a character that reflects myself... Seeing a character that mirrored myself, and watching her get the girl, and watching her face some of the same issues I face... totally awesome...

If you watch the ORIGINS on vimeo, you'll also get to see a trans guy where they don't talk about his transition at all, but just focus on him as a person. Super cool...

CONS: The show moves fast. I barely had time to enjoy some of the character progression before it was off to something new. You couldn't really enjoy some of the relationships being portrayed, because you knew by the next episode it would be over. I understand why the show did it this way... there was a lot of story to tell, and not enough time, or a guarantee that there would ever be a next season. But I found myself wanting to see more of something, but it would be over. I just wish some of the other characters could have been fully fleshed out.

I really hope that if the original cast can be brought back together for another season... If not, I am going to have to be mad at Bender forever!!! and I don't like being mad at her!

P.S. Check out 'Sick of Sarah' (Abisha Uhl - Bender's band). She's amazing... And if she ever comes to your town to play... go see her. She is awesome to watch live, and she will hang out with you before the show!! She will even facetime with Katie Stewart! I know cause it totally happened. EEK! <3
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