Symbolic for German theatrical releases right now
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Die Kleinen und die Bösen" is a German movie from 2015 that runs for pretty much exactly 90 minutes. It is a big screen release that features two actors I quite like, namely Herbst and Kurth and I don't mind Sarnau either. But not even the most talented actors can turn a messy script into something good or even great. But first things first. From the stuff I have already seen by Ritzenhoff, Seffcheque and Sehr, my expectations should have been low from the beginning, but sadly I was very much underwhelmed watching this movie. That could have been a somewhat decent film with focus mostly on the decision who gets to take care of the girl if they had taken the drama road mostly. But these are not the films German audiences want to see in theaters. So they had to include some comedy as well and even with Herbst's talent in that field none of it worked out at all. And include some romance. Justify one character's attraction to a new woman in his life by simply having another minor supporting character have his (soon-to-be) ex get pregnant. Because why not. So yeah, realism is nothing you will find in here. It was an interesting and somewhat daring move actually that they had a child character die relatively early in the film and I thought oh maybe they are somewhat trying to take this in a new direction, but eventually it's all just the same weak jibber jabber and as always. I could go into detail much further, but honestly this film's insignificance makes it difficult for me to. There are certainly occasionally good moments in here, but the whole picture did not manage to convince me. Like I said, the potential for something good was there, but the execution and eventually the talent by those behind the camera was not. Maybe for reasons I already explained you cannot even blame the makers here, but the German audiences right now. I can only say Austrian comedy is on a completely level right, also Austrian dramedy and we can learn a whole lot from them. I give it a thumbs-down. Not recommended.
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