An eye-opener about the abortion industry
14 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary chronicles the story of the notorious abortionist, Kermit Gosnell. Told through a combination of accounts such as police testimony, stories by women who visited Gosnell's clinic, and a shocking interview with Gosnell himself, the film paints a harrowing picture of the tragedy that unfolded over several decades at 3801 Lancaster.

Although this documentary primarily focuses on the brutal career of Gosnell, it ends up indicting a whole crowd of people who served as enablers for Gosnell's evil to perpetuate. This crowd included people within Pennsylvania state agencies or prosecutors who simply swept the atrocity under the rug after receiving reports of heinous wrongdoing.

At the end of the film, we are given some sense of closure when prosecutors uncover Gosnell's butchery and put him behind bars. This closure, however, is short lived. We hear from the women who continue to suffer from Gosnell's actions, and we also hear how the kid-gloves treatment of Gosnell wasn't really unique after all. Former Planned Parenthood workers are interviewed who tell us that abuses at their former place of employment have also been swept under the rug and essentially given a pass.

I should add that while watching the film, it's not extremely clear whether the filmmakers were creating this as a "Pro Life" work or a "Pro Choice" work. This is a credit to the sobering statement of facts that they present. Nevertheless, after watching it, I couldn't but help come away with the conclusion that the "abortion rights" movement as a whole is pushed not by concerns about justice but instead by a force that is downright sinister.
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