Not anyone can juggle
12 May 2017
Not anybody can juggle, but jugglers don't realize how gifted they are.

I couldn't get the juggle, though I'm one of the lowest on the totem pole.

Marty really knows himself, though. He's not arrogant, really. He's a hard worker, and probably one of the very few 1% who made the grade the old fashioned hard way, through the ranks. He's one of the 1% who can actually say that he "paid his dues" to get on the IMDb list.

I remember when he attended Jefferson Community College in Louisville Kentucky, and was in a Lee Pennington play with him. There was a large cast, but he stood out as a man who lost his hand and followed an invisible glowing hand to get out of a collapsed mine.

Since then, everywhere you went, you could see him struggling at his craft. I saw him at U of L on the grounds, juggling for donations, at the Shakespeare in the Park, everywhere. Once, when I got out of the Air Force and met a girl at a strip club, I even saw him there. The strippers and I alone gave him the clap. Er, I mean applause. The other guys there were as creepy as one would imagine, but Mary Polio persevered.

This guy is a true role model. Not sure if his way works as well today, amid the spoiled brat generation, but I hope it does.

And if you can get the hang of juggling, it will be because someone like Marty helped you, and it will go a long way.
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