Guy Ritchie at his best!!
9 May 2017
Saw this at a Promo Screening last night and have been shocked by the harsh reviews from the critics.

I went in expecting to see a by-the-numbers generic fantasy like the ones Disney churns out regularly. But instead I was surprised to find that Guy Ritchie has applied to King Arthur the same style and technique that made his Sherlock Holmes films so beloved.

In this film is the witty dialogue and creative editing we've (at least some of us) have come to love from Guy Ritchie. There was never a boring scene throughout. The action is good, the effects are good, but it is the manner of delivery of it all that brings this to greatness.

The acting is solid, some characters are less developed than others but I did not feel that this hurt the movie at all.

I've seen King Arthur movies before but have never seen it told in this manner, it is to King Arthur what Batman Begins was to Batman.

Should you see it? If you did not enjoy Guy Ritchie's other works, especially the Sherlock Holmes films then you may have issues with his style, but if you were entertained by any of his other films then there should be no reason for you to not be entertained here also.
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