Review of Erased

Erased (2016)
Terribly overrated
9 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
1) TIME RESETS MAKE NO SENSE. Just look how there is absolutely no consistency amongst them.

2) THE PROTAGONIST HAS NO STEADY MOTIVATIONS. They change in every episode with no rhyme or reason, something the fan boys didn't notice because he is a bland self-insert who can be anything and anyone at any given moment. I mean did you even see how generic his face is? Take all faces A1 Pictures animated from light novels and compare them. They are the exact same one, featureless face!

3) PLOT CONVENIENCES. Many events happen seemingly by chance and end up affecting the plot considerably. No proper mystery or thriller should be so reliant on chance because it cheapens what it's trying to accomplish.


He runs away from the police, thus incriminating himself for no reason. The fan boys excuse it as him panicking because of the murder of his mother, thus he wasn't thinking reasonably. If that is the case, why is he STILL running away from the police after he returns to the present? He is calm now, and thinks reasonably. Hell, he spends half the episode playing with children out in the open for everybody to see, and then goes to chat in a public cafeteria full of people. Seems like he is not afraid of being seen, right? But when police officers arrive, he is running away again. What is this bull?

He assumes that he can save his mother by saving a little girl, the two of which have absolutely nothing to do with each other, just because he is at the time when the murders began. Well, thank goodness nothing else happened in the world that year, or he might have arbitrarily assumed he would have to do something completely different.


6) FAKE TENSION WITH CLIFFHANGERS. Every episode ends with a cliffhanger that makes the average viewer wanting to find out what will happen next. The problem here is that what follows the cliffhangers is a dud. It is always something anti-climactic or completely stupid. The show systematically tries to undo consequences or hide its plot conveniences with cliffhangers that are too obvious to spot when you marathon the show.

7) VICTIMIZING GALORE. A one dimensional evil parent hits while laughing her own child for forced drama. - No fan boys, saying this happens all the time in real life does not make it any less forced. - Let's have the girl being bullied at school as well. No reason to assume the more victimizing they throw at you, the more absurd it becomes.


9) PEDOPHILIA, AS THE PROTAGONIST IS SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO A LITTLE GIRL. No fan boys, just because his body is 10 years old, does not make his brain not 30 years old. And nobody knowing he is not really a child does makes him not pedo. Pleading ignorance does not pass in court. Oh, sorry officer, I thought I could have sex with 10 year old because I'm a time traveler.


11) AWFUL TIME SKIP. Any hints of logic the show had, are completely gone when a time skip takes place in the last episodes.

12) UNDEFINED FOCUS. This show has no idea of what it's trying to be about, leading to a complete lack of identity. This is evident in how the fanboys were gradually changing their opinion of the show, every time something was disappointing them.

SO WHY THE DEVIL WAS THIS SHOW SO HYPED AND ADORED BY EVERYBODY? Erased fails in everything besides emotional manipulation. It had a premise where a good heart ed man tries to save his mother and a cute girl the viewers feel sorry for. As soon as both these issues were solved in episode 9, the interest in the show immediately evaporated and what followed was a bullshit killer revelation and a retarded time skip nobody could take seriously.

Basically, while the show was using forced drama and a sickening romance between a man and a little girl, everybody was blinded to its problems. The second those were dealt with, they instantly woke up and realized it was crap all along. The whole thing is yet another example of why crap like Sword Art Online become super hyped and loved by everybody while they air, and then are hated as soon as they are over. The anime community is a cesspool of immature people who can't think straight and let emotions cloud their perception. And then some wonder why Donald Trump is so adored for all the ridiculous things he does. Faith in humanity, lost.
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