Take My Movie... Please
7 May 2017
From the middle to the late 1930s, Mentone produced about eighty musical shorts. These were distributed by Universal Studios, and were usually directed by Milton Schwartzwald. After Mentone ceased production, Schwartzwald went to work directly for Universal, in their music department.

This is one of their efforts: it's a quick variety show, an offering of several acts. That was a common product from most major studios. The Mentone product often tried to wrap these shows in a story or other framing device. Here it's Henny Youngman, trying to sell an investor on an investment in the coming thing: television. The acts, which are competent, are shown in a box.

The most interesting aspect for me is the presence of Youngman, whom I remember from my youth as a cigar-chomping comic, who offered quick, snappy jokes in rapid-fire succession.
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