The Circle (I) (2017)
Not what you think... but is that so bad?
29 April 2017
The Circle is one of those movies that once the general audience has time for their minds to wrap around the concept of this movie, then it has a chance at higher ratings and better reviews.

It was not want I expected, and yet I left with the sense that I could engage in a three hour philosophical discussion about the movie.

It lacks your typical "antagonist" or rather, the "antagonist" is not what you thought or would expect in a typical thriller. And the antagonist may not be so much of a person as it is a concept or idea that goes too far or in the wrong direction but is not in and of itself bad.

The conclusion of the film did not resolve how I would have predicted having seen the trailers. But, I won't go there so as not to spoil the movie.

You may be hesitant to see this movie, and you may not like it after having seen the movie - but none-the-less, it is still worth seeing and hopefully *maybe* you will leave the theatre thinking if you are that type of person.

Its like going to an art show. I, as an amateur, would go hoping to be "wowed" by the typical entertaining pieces - the ones that make sense to me. However, I can easily over look a masterpiece because I do not take the time and focus to look deeper and past the non-traditional.

All that being said, the acting was a little strange, which makes some of the interactions awkward. But in hindsight, it kind of makes sense because the "circle" is all about community and engaging with your community. And, so some of the social interactions can be "odd". So if I compare it to the basic formula and standard quality of movie entertainment that money pushes out there, I could easily overlook a possible deeper element.

Or maybe I'm just being ridiculous and looking too deep into this movie.

There were some intense moments. But, not so much of what you would think of in a thriller. This is not a cat-and-mouse dystopian type thriller where your life is at stake.

So, maybe you would like it - like I did. Maybe you won't. Maybe it will take a while for the concept of this movie to catch up to everyone who didn't feel entertained. Either way, worth a shot.
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