It showcased the most evidence backed truth of any film about "UFOs" that I have seen to date
26 April 2017
Finally someone told it like it is!

Over the years I have been so tired of hearing uneducated people talk about how there is some grand struggle for the resources of Earth by "competing ET cultures". How does anyone who pays attention to science believe a civilization capable of travelling amongst the stars would need to come all the way to the back end of the milky- way just to harvest resources from either the ground or from human subjects. Anyone who has even a basic understanding of genetics and astrophysics can tell you that you don't need to harvest embryos, sperm, or eggs into order to study or even reproduce an entire biological entity. If you are a civilization harnessing that kind of energy and scientific understanding all you would need is a skin cell or hair follicle. The idea that advanced cultures come here to "abduct" humans is ridiculous, and what is even more ridiculous is the "resource space bandits" theory, I mean common.. with how many earth like exoplanets even we (humans) know about, how can any intelligent person think that they would come here to rip metal out of the ground or take water, when the elements present on earth are abundant in the universe and would be accessible on countless uninhabited worlds.

While the material presented in the "The Allies of Humanity briefings" etc has no reliable points of corroboration or verifiable documentation, what Greer and his team present in this film has Both.

The idea that warlike civilizations are zooming around in interstellar space having some kind of "starwars" like conflict is ridiculous. These civilizations are harnessing technology and energy which would be capable of vaporizing an entire planet, like that.. Presto its over. I do think that the fact that they have gotten here across the vastness of space and thus must have harnessed energy far greater than even atomic fission, would seem to indicate to me that they have passed a kind of 'cosmic litmus test' in the sense that, (if they are harnessing energy many times the magnitude of our atomic energy for interstellar propulsion, they would have blown themselves up through internal conflicts in their society before getting here if they were still 'warlike').

One thing that is unique about this film, is that it is the first film I have come across that attempted to dispel all the "good vs evil" nonsense that has cropped up in most modern "UFO" and "ET disclosure communities".

While ignorance is the norm on this topic of the ET presence, Cabal (aka "MJ12"), and suppressed energy tech etc, I think this film may begin to change that for the masses.

It's time we stopped being so gullible and easily manipulated into thinking there is some "big bad guy" out there and the government is going to save us. The fear propaganda out there that says we have some 'secret elite space force' that is fighting off 'bad ets' that want to enslave us or take our resources is part of the same psychological warfare initiative that 911 was, don't be fooled again my friends. The idea of good vs bad is a human invention, not a universal absolute, once you get to the level of advancement it takes to move beyond your solar system you don't have the luxury of being childish, greedy or warlike... because one push of a button and its all over.

This film reaffirmed for me what I have believed to be the single most important reason for ET visitation in modern years. I feel that as a civilization our technological prowess has far surpassed our social and spiritual maturity, and this is a main reason why we are under close observation by our cosmic neighbors now. We as a humanity, definitely need to take active steps towards dissolving the arbitrary concepts of separation between between us such as nation states, race, and other trivial distinctions.. to realize that we are indeed one people, One Family, and should begin acting like it. Only when we let go of ego /fear based distinctions between one another, truly going inward to understand what it means to be a Conscious Being... and begin to heal and harmonize with the living planet that sustains us will we be taking steps towards truly leaving our planetary isolation.
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