Leave It to Beaver: Wally's Big Date (1961)
Season 5, Episode 8
Sometimes everyone matures; but not Eddie.
25 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A school dance is coming up, but it's an exchange dance. The boys from Wally's high school will be paired with girls from a rival school; and the girls from that school with the boys from Wally's school. Wally has been paired with Marjorie Mulller. Eddie wants to swap girls, claiming he knew Marjorie and they really hit it off. Really, a girl hit it off with Eddie? Every alarm bell in the world should be going off. Eddie even brought over a yearbook from the other school; and Gail, "Eddie's date" is very pretty. Eddie says he has never met Gail, so Wally would be making a better trade based on looks. Wally jumps for the trade. You know Eddie is screwing Wally. Even Ward knows something is wrong when he hears about the swap.

Wally gets a chance to meet Gail in a soda shop because her mother had to go into town. She's sitting in a booth, and she is pretty. And she knows and met Eddie over a month ago. And the sucker punch, she is a good four inches taller than Wally, she's a giant. Then Eddie shows up at the Cleaver house to pick up the yearbook. When he hears Wally met the girl and is on the way home, he tries to escape. Wally runs upstairs and is about to clobber Eddie, but Eddie is saved by June at the last minute.

Ward knows Wally isn't happy about taking Gail to the dance, and has a discussion with Wally; but tells Wally the decision to go to the dance is Wally's. June has her usual meaningless contribution to make: she's sure Wally with just forget the girl towers over him.

Wally is miserable: how can he dance with a girl when he can't even look into her eyes. No matter, Wally goes to the dance, because we know Wally has more heart than Eddie ever will. When Eddie arrives, he makes sure to introduce Marjorie, just to "rub-it-in." However, Gail saves the night: she wore flats and wore her hair down and not up, now she's exactly Wally's height. Wally and Gail hit it off; Wally refuses to let anyone cut in.

Beaver tries calling with a "rescue" call which I though was pretty inventive of him. Wally has to explain the calls, but Gail says not to worry because she understands. Wally is over the moon: he can't believe he met a girl who understands him.

The next morning June and Ward are having a breakfast chat speculating on Wally's date. June says when she was set up with a boy shorter than her, she just wore her hair down and had on flats. Ward says he doubts if teenagers today would be that kind to one another.

And no doubt the most satisfying line in the episode occurred when Wally went upstairs to confront Eddie. Ward's response to June when she voiced a concern that Wally might take a poke at Eddie and Ward should go upstairs, and Ward responds, "I don't know. I think I'll wait about half an hour, and then go up and check." It was a good episode. I don't know if it might have been effective for Ward to talk with Wally about how the girl might be feeling. It is, after all, a half hour show and it's difficult to cover every base. Maybe Wally learned something, or maybe he just had a nice evening. But that's the way life works.
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