Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009 Video Game)
It's fun. Maybe it didn't age well, though.
21 April 2017
I started playing this game for the first time a few weeks ago (it was made in 2009-- now it's 2017). I conquered "Arkham Knight" (2015) with the "Knightfall" (complete) ending. Now I'm more than halfway through this game, so I feel as if I'm qualified to comment about it.

I noticed that one of the most recent reviews channeled my primary thought about it as well: it was fun at the beginning; now I get bored with it easily. I want to complete the game, so it's entertaining. But I wanted much more.

As I've played this game it occurred to me that "The Last of Us" (2013), among maybe other games, probably borrowed/stole its sneaking and cloak and dagger concepts to take down enemies. Unfortunately, The Last of Us did it better. Arkham Knight also refined some of the upgrades and tools that Batman uses, so it renders some of this game's models amateurish.

Lastly, I am unimpressed with the manner in which the game just randomly inserts Batman's main villains into the story with little regard to how they play any sort of role in it. They obviously just wanted to showcase as many characters as possible. In the modern age of The Last of Us and Dragon Age franchises and other games that have deep, rich, coherent stories, it doesn't serve the game well. So Riddler, even though he escaped the island completely, is in it, and Scarecrow's appearances are unbelievably forced and take you out of the story. Lame.
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