Sam Was Here (II) (2016)
« Sam was here », but where was the script?
13 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First you are attracted by the poster, the teaser and then come reality : the movie.

It's a shame cause at first i was really impressed by the look of the picture (seems to be a first feature film), but hey what is the story about? What is the point? I'm not against unexplained ending, i got to say i like that, but not when it tends to absurdity and let me alone with no point, it didn't catch on ! sounds like a rip off unfortunately.

The pretentious opening credits scene of almost 10 min (Yes 10 min ! before the title) let you think you will get involved in a long and dark thriller but in the end it leads us to : Nothing. Slow and steady win the race. RUSTY JOINER is pretty charismatic but fights against a series of American horror clichés (Cops, doll, grand ma…) and suffers a series of random events. The synth soundtrack sounds huge and is made of the same DNA of Carpenter's score but again sometimes it fells you are watching a video clip tribute of the master. Is it a copy or a homage?

I know Nemesis seems to be a low-budget film but in the end, it's once again a direct to VOD Carpenter like B movie, but without real talent and innovation. A flashy CinemaScope picture (ready for the cinematographer's show reel) is not enough to build strong characters and a story. Give me my money back.
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