Like Eating Comfort Food
11 April 2017
The new film, GOING IN STYLE, is the equivalent of eating a Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Tomato Soup on a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon - very familiar, very welcome and very comforting.  It's not going to win any Academy Awards or change the course of movie history, but this film delivers - competently and professionally - what it promises to deliver with no fuss and no muss.

Starring film veterans Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Alan Arkin, GOING IN STYLE tells the story of how these three are pressed against the wall, financially, and their last resort is to rob a bank to get the money they need.

And...it's fun...not hilarious...not groundbreaking, but fun.  Caine, Freeman and Arkin believably play 3 long time friends who are nearing the end.  There is a comfort there with each other and it was pleasant to spend time with them.  Joining them was the one and only Ann- Margret and the always fun Christopher Lloyd (in, hands down, the best performance and most interesting character in the film).

Notice, I've used the words comforting, pleasant and pleasing.  I did NOT use the words groundbreaking, hilarious or epic.  I certainly enjoyed myself and am glad I saw it.

And you will too, whether you see this film in the movie theater or run across it as you are lying on the couch some rainy Sunday afternoon.

Letter Grade:  a solid "B"

7 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (of Marquis)
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