The acting is its worst drawback
9 April 2017
A woman's rights farce in which a man's wife is nominated to run against him in a mayoralty campaign and is elected. She turns out to be not twenty-one yet, so can't serve. It is a dry picture with only a few laughs, and the acting is its worst drawback, The wife, Phyllis Gordon, is very pretty and pleases; but her husband is ridiculous to a displeasing degree. Mrs. Gertrude Dunbar, an exaggerated suffragette, made most of the laughs; her hen pecked husband, George Hernandez, made, so far as we could see, all the rest. Wheeler Oakman, Fred Huntly, Eddie James, Frank Clark and Mrs. Katharine Pardee are in the cast. It was produced by Lem Parker. - The Moving Picture World, December 21, 1912
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